
Jan Knight PhD


A co-founder of Knight Scientific, Jan has been a scientist for many years. She was awarded a First Class Honours in Science by the Open University in 1978, and gained her PhD from London University in the field of Marine Biochemistry, spending much of her time at the Marine Biological Association in Plymouth.

From 1984 to date, Jan has been involved in professional research into inflammatory diseases, free radicals, cardiovascular diseases, biocompatibility of medical devices, antioxidants and diet, and monitoring the health and performance of elite athletes, as well as developing research methods.

In 1990, Jan and her husband, Dr Robert Knight, a chartered chemist and biochemist, founded Knight Scientific to exploit the potential of the light-emitting protein Pholasin® – an endeavour that has led to recognition for Knight Scientific as a world leader in products for oxidative stress, antioxidants and free radical research.

She has been invited to speak at international conferences; given seminars at pharmaceutical and medical device companies; won five SMART awards from the former Department of Trade & Industry; led a consortium under the DTI’s Wealth from The Oceans programme; led a prestigious Health Technology Devices collaborative project with a grant from the Department of Health; and devised and organised a number of hands-on technology transfer workshops.

Jan collaborates with scientists and clinicians in numerous universities and hospitals in the UK and abroad and is co-inventor of a number of patents. In 1999, she became a lifetime Millennium Fellow.

Rachel Hoyle


Rachel is a science graduate from the University of Birmingham (1984). Her whole career has been centred around sustainable animal and human health product development, and as a result she has been recognised as a major contributor to establishing the conditional essentiality of nucleotides for human health. 

In 1995, Rachel formed her first company with the remit to develop products and markets for animal health products utilising the nucleotide-based formulations pioneered by Dr Peter Koeppel of Swiss-based Pro Bio AG.

In the early 2000’s, Rachel achieved for the company, UK Government research awards, namely SMART Awards. These funded feasibility and clinical studies for nucleotide-based human food supplements.  

In 2008, following successful clinical trial results and their peer-reviewed publications, Rachel formed her company dedicated to human health, and the launch of the food supplements, IntestAid®IB and NuCell®IM.

As part of Rachel’s collaboration with nucleotide supplementation pioneer, Dr Peter Koeppel, they established that current Western diets are largely deficient in nucleotides. This is because the foods naturally high in nucleotides are rarely eaten now, i.e. liver, kidney and tripe – staples of our grandparents and more ancient civilisations.

More recently Rachel found additional funding to support research studying the impact of high intensity stress on sports men and women supplemented with these ground-breaking combinations of nucleotides.  

She has been the CEO of Nucleotide Nutrition Ltd since formation in 2011.

Liam Young


Liam’s long held interest in medicine and in medical research culminated in starting a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at Glasgow University (BVMS) in 1991. In 1994 Liam took a year out to complete an honours degree in veterinary pathology, specialising in virology, HIV, cancer pathogenesis. His dissertation on, “The effects of stress on the immune system”, broke new neuro-psycho immunology ground at the time. Liam completed his veterinary degree 1997 and joined the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS). Soon after he added a diploma in in veterinary homoeopathy (D.VetHom) and a diploma in herbal medicine (Dip.Herb), which would later signal a change in his career trajectory.

By 2000, Liam had completed 3-years of full-time veterinary practice where he’d integrated the use of probiotics, nutrition, herbal medicine, homoeopathy and kinesiology into a conventional veterinary hospital practice setting. Seeing the changes in the health and wellbeing of their pets, owners too gradually came to ask for natural health guidance.

In this same year having suffered with adrenal fatigue from the long hours and particularly the on-call work, whilst becoming more and more frustrated with the conventional medical restrictions being placed on him, Liam left veterinary practice for a year-long sabbatical. On this sabbatical he travelled and studied traditional and naturopathic approaches to medicine abroad.

In 2001 Liam began working for a not-for profit business that aimed to create an integrated health hospital in Wales that could be used as a case studies research centre. He visited established integrated health care hospitals around Europe and the Americas, further expanding his personal study of naturopathic and environmental medicine approaches. In 2004 Liam founded The Natural Health Choice Ltd, as an online retailer of the natural healthcare products required for some of those hospital integrated healthcare programs.

In 2008, Liam undertook a Masters Degree (MA) in Medical Humanities at Swansea University, studying from the perspective of philosophy, politics, history, sociology, art and literature the limits of the conventional medical paradigm and how the “human being” might be reintroduced. To this day, Liam’s passion for helping people in the clinical setting, creating a wealth of clinical case study and outcome data that can be used to educate, campaign for, and ultimately transform the practice and paradigm of medicine prevails.