A co-founder of Knight Scientific, Jan has been a scientist for many years. She was awarded a First Class Honours in Science by the Open University in 1978, and gained her PhD from London University in the field of Marine Biochemistry, spending much of her time at the Marine Biological Association in Plymouth.
From 1984 to date, Jan has been involved in professional research into inflammatory diseases, free radicals, cardiovascular diseases, biocompatibility of medical devices, antioxidants and diet, and monitoring the health and performance of elite athletes, as well as developing research methods.
In 1990, Jan and her husband, Dr Robert Knight, a chartered chemist and biochemist, founded Knight Scientific to exploit the potential of the light-emitting protein Pholasin® – an endeavour that has led to recognition for Knight Scientific as a world leader in products for oxidative stress, antioxidants and free radical research.
She has been invited to speak at international conferences; given seminars at pharmaceutical and medical device companies; won five SMART awards from the former Department of Trade & Industry; led a consortium under the DTI’s Wealth from The Oceans programme; led a prestigious Health Technology Devices collaborative project with a grant from the Department of Health; and devised and organised a number of hands-on technology transfer workshops.
Jan collaborates with scientists and clinicians in numerous universities and hospitals in the UK and abroad and is co-inventor of a number of patents. In 1999, she became a lifetime Millennium Fellow.