The Sustainable Health Foundation is a UK charity established in 2020 – registration no 1188471.

This website is currently under construction. You’ll find limited information about us and our current main focus below – please come back soon or contact us to find out more.

“Regenerating health in communities.
With support from nature.”

Our Mission

We aim to revitalise communities by co-creating health, wellbeing and vitality – especially through improved nutrition and lifestyle. Health inequalities exist throughout different parts of our country and addressing them is one of our top priorities. Especially as the pandemic has worsened the situation significantly.

Our mission is to regenerate health in communities using a proactive, people-led, sustainable model guided by health professionals who will focus on optimising functional markers of health, rather than disease.

Our immediate focus is our Great Health Reset symposium, and related educational and training events that will culminate in the establishment and evaluation of demonstration trials based on a consensus model for health system sustainability.

The Sustainable Health Foundation (SHF) is registered as a charity in England & Wales, Reg no 1188471. It is also registered as a non-profit company limited by guarantee, Reg no 11992494. Trustees: Rachel Hoyle; Janice Knight PhD; William Young.

Mother Nature Thriving, Before by Ruth Westreich © 2020.
Activist Art series & e-book at: