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The Great Health Reset Symposium

This ground-breaking health symposium will explore new and sustainable ways of managing and regenerating health in communities. It comes at a crucial time when the susceptibility of the nation’s health and the fragility of our healthcare systems have been exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The symposium promises to be a game-changer for businesses, health professionals, politicians, non-profits and individuals interested in being frontrunners in the application of sustainability principles to health and care. This means focusing, maintaining and regenerating health and resilience in communities while also preventing disease, irrespective of age, socio-economic status or culture.

The symposium brings together scientists, health professionals, businesses, non-profits and communities to explore the application of cutting-edge technologies, the latest findings from research and clinical experience, as well as lessons on sustainability learned from other sectors.

Expect a fast flowing series of enlightening and deeply informative presentations, interactive discussions and Q&As with some of the world’s leading experts and opinion leaders on sustainable and integrative health. Join us for this ground-breaking event and be recognised as a sustainable health pioneer. Never in living memory has an event of this nature been more needed.